# 트래블로그/뉴욕

기록#4 뉴욕 현대 미술관 : MoMA

ROHA__ 2019. 9. 5. 10:35

MoMA : Museum of Modern Art


뉴욕 현대 미술관








* MoMA 무료 입장


1) UNIQLO Free Friday Night


유니클로가 스폰서로 있어 매주 금요일 4시부터 8시까지는 입장이 무료라고 한다. 


나는 안되겠당.....ㅜㅜ

Admission is free for all visitors during UNIQLO Free Friday Nights, held every Friday evening from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Tickets for UNIQLO Free Friday Nights are not available in advance. Your UNIQLO Free Friday Night ticket permits you to all other Museum galleries, exhibitions, and films.

  UNIQLO Free Friday Nights are sponsored by UNIQLO.

Please note: Film tickets may be obtained for same-day screenings at no charge by presenting your Museum admission ticket stub at the film desk.


Please note: the fourth-floor Painting and Sculpture Galleries (1940s–1980) have been temporarily closed to accommodate the Picasso Sculpture exhibition (on view September 14, 2015–February 7, 2016). Selected works from the fourth floor will appear in a series of exhibitions opening in the late summer and fall. Please visit thecollection online to see what works are currently on view, and where they can be found in the Museum.


2) 현대카드 


현대카드 플래티넘 이상 카드 소지자를 대상으로 무료입장이라니!!! +_+






* MoMA Info



MoMA iPhone APP






